More notes from the journey.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Darkly Dreaming Dexter (Jeffrey Lindsey)

This was a really interesting book. The narrorator (Dexter) is what used to be called a sociopath. The "nice" way to say it would be to say that he has antisocial personality disorder. He is without a conscience. He works in a crime lab and works to solve homicide cases. The story follows his adventures as he works to help his sister (a police officer in Miami) rise in the ranks, by chasing killers. A bit strange that he is concerned with helping his sister in such a "human" way, but it is a book after all.

Throughout the book he struggles with what he calls his "Dark Passenger". The Dark Passenger is interested in nothing but the kill. He drives Dexter to VERY dark deeds. Guided by the voice of his foster father Harry, Dexter works to channel the energy of the Dark Passenger by only killing people who "deserve" it. As the book opens he is torturing and eventually killing a pedophile and child murderer.

Definitely a voice you don't hear much of in fiction. Not entirely believable, but interesting. I almost liked Dexter at certain points. I was rooting for him. I am curious to know what Dexter might do next.


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