More notes from the journey.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

2Peas Challenge

Random YOU

Fave hair style you ever had: Humm... I'm not sure I've ever HAD a hair style. It pretty much does what it wishes to do.

Fave song on the radio you just love right now: I don't listen to the radio. I don't have the patience.

Fave tv show: I like Oprah and the Today show.

Fave musical artist: Indigo Girls and Counting Crows

Fave thing to eat for supper: Breakfast (biscuits and honey with scrambled eggs)

Fave movie: Royal Tennenbaums

Best date you ever went on: Hard to pick one. I've been lucky enough to have a bunch.

Your most fave friend: Theresa

The best Christmas present you ever recvd to date: I don't have an answer to this one.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Introducing Gadget

This is the new man in my life. I adopted him at the Humane Society. He is two pounds of love and fun and enthusiasm.

Off to play with Gadget!